Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance Therapy is a special diagnostic and therapy procedure currently paving the way for a whole new approach to integrative and complementary medicine. Also known as vibrational medicine or electrodermal testing, Bioresonance operates on the same principle as “Energetic Healing”. It is a gentle form of therapy with no drugs or medication, and is painless and non-evasive.

Theoretical explanation of Bioresonance Therapy

As a general rule, the body has very good self-healing powers. Over a prolonged period, the body may experience too many or too serious chronic stresses. This causes it to hamper and block the body’s regulatory ability as well as its self-healing powers. As a result, our body’s immune system is more susceptible to pathogens like viruses, parasites, funguses, bacteria and etc, resulting in various sicknesses, diseases and hormonal imbalances.

Bioresonance Therapy works in the same way as how we communicate today, i.e with technological advances we are able to receive images through the air or even speak to each other thousand of miles apart. Biophysics and quantum mechanics have led to impressive development in technology, and hence is behind the theory of Bioresonance Therapy.


Healthy Cell Communication

In a healthy body this exchange of information functions unhindered. Each cell or part of the body can fulfil its task.


Unhealthy Cell Communication

If interfering substance (toxins, viruses, bacteria, etc.) or stress-inducing radiation are able to affect the body, their disruptive frequency patterns can in turn impede communication between cells.


With Bioresonance Therapy

The body’s own regulatory system is considerably supported and stimulated by the Bicom Bioresonance Therapy. The communication among the cells is unhindered and stressing substance can be set free and eliminated.

Everything on planet earth eg. water, stones, human organisms emits a small electromagnetic frequency. This frequency is unique i.e like our own unique fingerprint.

In conventional medicine, you diagnose and treat an illness. In Energy Medicine, you assess where the energy system needs attention and correct the energy disturbances.

The science of Bioresonance treats illnesses using electromagnetic frequencies. Every substance and every cell in our body emits energy and communicates with each other through highly specific, typical wavelength or different frequency patterns. Our body is able to function effectively and regulate itself because of the exchange of information and communication of each cell in the body via certain frequencies. It’s like e-mail or text messaging between billions of cells.

Everything is Energy. We are energetic envelopes of Body, Mind and Spirit.

As such, if the body is stressed, or is being interfered with toxins, pathogens, diseases or stress inducing agents, it can impede or block communication between cells and communication between the brain and the body’s organs.

The BICOM device treats the body through magnetic resonance sent to the body where each stresses are treated with the appropriate frequency. These frequencies harmonize the resonance of your body and its organs. Once restored, the body’s self-healing process starts to function rapidly.

The body’s own regulatory or immune system is then supported and stimulated by the resonance therapy. Communication among cells is then unhindered and unwanted substances can be set free and eliminated.

Bioresonance Therapy is more than just any kind of preventive therapy... It Accelerates Your Body’s Healing Power.